With quick couplings (or mono-couplings) a repeated quick and safe connection and disconnection of single fluidic or electric lines is simple and possible without additional use of tools. Besides the wide variety of our standard program of quick couplings with many materials and sealing qualities, we also offer specific individual solutions to our customers.
Product Categories
Low pressure quick couplings for water, compressed air, gases and fluids, also in stainless steel
or brass.
Medium pressure quick couplings for water- and oil-based hydraulics
High pressure quick couplings for hydraulics also in stainless steel.
Clean break couplings (dry couplings), squirt-free and virtually leakage-free.
Quick couplings for cooling and heating for temperatures from -90 °C up to 310 °C.
Supplies for pressurized air quick couplings, protection caps and protection plugs.